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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Jacques Villeglé - Jacques Villeglé

Jacques Villeglé (born in 1926) is a french artist associated to the "Nouveaux Réalistes" (new realists). Jacques Villeglé studied painting and drawing at the école des beaux-arts de Rennes where he meets Raymond Hains (1945), with whom he will bond forever. He became famous thanks
Jacques Villeglé (born in 1926) is a french artist associated to the "Nouveaux Réalistes" (new realists). Jacques Villeglé studied painting and drawing at the école des beaux-arts de Rennes where he meets Raymond Hains (1945), with whom he will bond forever. He became famous thanks to his advertisement posters collages, and became one of the most important artist of the movement. His works can be seen in the biggest international museums such as: the Jumex Collection, México (Mexico), the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum (USA), the Museum Abteiberg (Germany), le Musée d'art Moderne et contemporain de Nice (MAMAC) (France), the José Manuel Rodrigues Berardo Collection (Portugal), the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) (USA), the SMAK (Belgium), the Museum Ludwig (Köln) (Germany), the MAMbo (Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Bologna) (Italy), the SMKP: Stiftung Museum Kunstpalast (Germany), the Centre Pompidou - Musée national d'art moderne (France), the MUMOK - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien (Austria), the Israel Museum (Israel), the Fundació Stämpfli (Spain), the Tate Collection (London)...
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