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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Sebastien Mehal

Sébastien Mehal was born in Martinique. He lives and works in France. He is graduated from the Ecole Supérieure de Réalisation Audiovisuelle and the Ecole d'Architecture de Paris. Sebastien Mehal has a unique universe and his works are characterized by a minimalist and conceptual aesthetic. Sébastien
Sébastien Mehal was born in Martinique. He lives and works in France. He is graduated from the Ecole Supérieure de Réalisation Audiovisuelle and the Ecole d'Architecture de Paris. Sebastien Mehal has a unique universe and his works are characterized by a minimalist and conceptual aesthetic. Sébastien Meal draws his inspiration from the city and his works are based on city maps seen and by models of architectural projects. More recently, Sebastien Mehal has been working with liquid paints splashes "injected" with large industrial or medical syringes.
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