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Our selection of signed works by Sabine Finkenauer

Sabine Finkenauer was born in Germany in 1961. After studying at the Munich School of Fine Arts from 1981 to 1988, Sabine Finkenauer moved to Barcelona where she now lives and works. She draws her inspiration from Calder, Miró, Paul Klee, Mondrian or Arp. Sabine
Sabine Finkenauer was born in Germany in 1961. After studying at the Munich School of Fine Arts from 1981 to 1988, Sabine Finkenauer moved to Barcelona where she now lives and works. She draws her inspiration from Calder, Miró, Paul Klee, Mondrian or Arp. Sabine Finkenauer uses many mediums such as collage, painting, tapestry or sculpture. His universe is minimalist and colorful.
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