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Items corresponding to Post War & Modern Art - Mahjoub Ben Bella

Mahjoub Ben Bella (1946-) is a world renowned algerian artist, who was born in Maghnia. After studying at the Beaux-Arts school of Oran, he settled in France. He pursued his studies then at the Beaux-Arts de Tourcoing, at the école nationale supérieure des Arts
Mahjoub Ben Bella (1946-) is a world renowned algerian artist, who was born in Maghnia. After studying at the Beaux-Arts school of Oran, he settled in France. He pursued his studies then at the Beaux-Arts de Tourcoing, at the école nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs of Paris, and at the école nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. From 1978 to 1980, he taught at the école des Beaux-Arts of Cambrai. During his school formations, he elaborated a personal technique which rested upon the use of arabic calligraphy, which evolved, and was transformed in an abundant colors and shapes expression. Since 1970, he had dozens of exhibitions in the world, and his works have been purchased by the most prestigious collections and museums. He also made a lot of monumental works: the frescoe at the International Airport of Riyad (1982) ; a 12kms long painting on the cyclist road Paris-Roubaix (1986) ; a Nelson Mandela portrait for the event-concert at the Wembley stadium in England (1988) ; or a decoration in a Tourcoing metro station (2000).
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