Milo Manara : Born in 1945 in Luson (Italia), Milo Manara is an italian comic author. His first professional plates (erotic tales) from 1968, allowed him to finance his architecture studies in Venice. He gave up his job of sculptor assistant and published Genius followed by The aventures of Jolanda, pirate woman. In 1974, he realized an adaptation of Boccace's Decameron. In 1976, "The Monkey", his first ambitious tale, was published in Alter-Linus then in Charlie Mensuel. At the same time, he drawn several episodes of the "History of France" and of the "Discovery of the world" in comic book in the Larousse editions. In 1978 the "Snow man" is published. In 1983, "Le Déclic" made his recognition as the master of the erotic comic book. In 1987, Hugo Pratt became his scriptwritter for "An indian summer". Today, Milo Manara continues a regular production of erotic stories with Albin Michel editions and also participates to projects, like the illustration portfolios or the serie Borgia with the scriptwritter Alejandro Jodorowsky.