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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Cedrix Crespel

Emblematic artist of urban pop culture ‘s generation, open to his time, Cedrix CRESPEL questions the representation of Woman. In the mid-90s, conscious of the need for an artist to become anchored in his culture, he quickly abandoned the academic drawing, left the pencil ,
Emblematic artist of urban pop culture ‘s generation, open to his time, Cedrix CRESPEL questions the representation of Woman. In the mid-90s, conscious of the need for an artist to become anchored in his culture, he quickly abandoned the academic drawing, left the pencil , to invent a figurative language from the « computer » generation. The painting of Cédrix CRESPEL is a sensual odyssey. The artist depicts images of independent and passionate women who play the roles that society is willing to give them. He is the one who will teach us, willingly or forcibly, to get rid of our certainties in order to enter a universe where his women like to be so coveted. From the tension of desire to the obsessions that haunt him, Cedrix Crespel suggests the sexual in the sensual, where the reverse. Cedrix CRESPEL has participated in numerous exhibitions and international art fairs in France and abroad.
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