Editions le Chat des Sphères, Nice, 1968
Illustrations and illuminations by Lucy BOUCHER
2 leather volumes in cases, gilded on edges.
Format: 21 X 28 cm
Paper: Large shoreline vellum
Assorted by a suite of 16 color illustrations
Numbered copy: 294/540
total circulation 2,500
Condition: Mint condition
Dimensions :
- Height : 28 cm
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Contes de PERRAULT
Editions le Chat des Sphères, Nice, 1968
Illustrations et enluminures de Lucy BOUCHER
2 volumes cuirs sous étuis, dorés sur tranche.
Format :21 X 28 cm
Papier : Grand vélin de rives
Assorti d'une suite des 16 illustrations en couleurs
Exemplaire numéroté: 294 / 540
tirage total 2500
Condition : A l'état de neuf
This item is sold by a professional art dealer who guaranties its authenticity. This item is used (second-hand)