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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Lithographs, Etchings & Prints - Asger Jorn

Asger Jorn (1914-1973) is a danish painter. He was one of the founders of the movement CoBrA, and of the International Situationist. He was born in Asger Oluf Jørgensen in 1914, and moved to Paris in 1936 to join the Académie contemporaine of Fernand Léger.
Asger Jorn (1914-1973) is a danish painter. He was one of the founders of the movement CoBrA, and of the International Situationist. He was born in Asger Oluf Jørgensen in 1914, and moved to Paris in 1936 to join the Académie contemporaine of Fernand Léger. During the nazi occupation in Denmark, Jorn is a communist, active in the resistance, and he participated in the artistic group Høst. Facing stalinism, Jorn broke up with communist party, but continued until his death to consider himself as a communist. He founded the movement CoBrA and motivated the unification of several movements in one : the International Situationist in 1957. In 1961, he left the IS so as to found the Scandinavian Institute of compared vandalism. Jorn has a museum dedicated to his work in Silkeborg. His works are also present in all the biggest Modern Art museums around the world, such as the Tate Gallery in London, the Guggenheim museum in New York, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhague, or the Musée d'art moderne Louisiana, Humlebæk.
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