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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Paintings - Jean Rouzaud

Jean Rouzaud was born in 1923 into a family of architects. During his studies at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Toulouse, he preferred painting classes to architecture classes. He settles in Sète and works on a number of architectural projects where his artistic training is apparent.
Jean Rouzaud was born in 1923 into a family of architects. During his studies at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Toulouse, he preferred painting classes to architecture classes. He settles in Sète and works on a number of architectural projects where his artistic training is apparent. Near Sète, Jean Rouzaud befriended the painters Gabriel Couderc, François Desnoyer and Pierre Soulages. His paintings, initially figurative, took on a whole new dimension. In the quest of his own aesthetic, Jean Rouzaud works with nuances, luminosity and forms on compositions in large formats where the influence of abstract expressionism is clearly perceptible.
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