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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Claude Weisbuch - Honoré Daumier

Honoré Daumier (1808-1879) is a french engraver, caricaturist, painter and sculptor. His works, were directly connected to the social and political activity of France in the XIXth century. His production of drawings was very important, such has his production of lithographs. He is particularly know
Honoré Daumier (1808-1879) is a french engraver, caricaturist, painter and sculptor. His works, were directly connected to the social and political activity of France in the XIXth century. His production of drawings was very important, such has his production of lithographs. He is particularly know from the general public for his est scathing caricatures of politicians, and for his satiric representations, which were often published in the newspaper and magazines of the time. He contributed to give to the political caricature art the face we know today. A lot of his sculptures are now exhibited in the collections of the Musée d'Orsay in Paris.
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