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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Lithographs, Etchings & Prints - Antoni Muntadas

is a Barcelona artist born in 1942. He lived and worked in New York since 1971. He studied engineering in Barcelona and in the Pratt Graphic Center in New York. Antoni Muntadas chose to devote himself to multimedia art and will make many videos.
is a Barcelona artist born in 1942. He lived and worked in New York since 1971. He studied engineering in Barcelona and in the Pratt Graphic Center in New York. Antoni Muntadas chose to devote himself to multimedia art and will make many videos. His first videos such as Acciones (1971) or Tactile Recognition of a Body (1972) are filmics experiments on the body. He develops a multimedia, interactive and pioneering artistic practice in "online art". It addresses issues such as the relationship between the public and the private sector, information flows in the mass media, and visible or invisible power systems, including interpretation with its On Translation project. In 1994, he launched The File Room, an open database project that lists cases of censorship. This project is accessible online but has also resulted in installations at exhibitions in Chicago, Lyon, Paris, Barcelona and Hamburg.
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