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Items corresponding to Post War & Modern Art - Works on paper - Valerio Adami

Valerio Adami: Italian painter born in Bologna in 1935, he lives between France and Italy. Trained at The Milan Academy of Fine Arts, he belongs to the Narrative Figuration movement since the 1970's. His works are characterized by the use of tint areas with vivid
Valerio Adami: Italian painter born in Bologna in 1935, he lives between France and Italy. Trained at The Milan Academy of Fine Arts, he belongs to the Narrative Figuration movement since the 1970's. His works are characterized by the use of tint areas with vivid colors delimited by black contours. He realizes his first exhibition in 1957, in Milan. In 1970, his works are exposed in The Museum of Modern Art in Paris. At this time, he realized many portraits (James Joyce, Sigmund Freud...). In the 1980's, he ceates big wall paintings (Châtelet Theater (1988), Austerlitz's station (1992) in Paris, First National City Bank, Madison (1973-74)). Several great retrospectives are dedicated to him, in The "Centre Georges Pompidou", in 1985, in The Milan Pomodoro Foundation in 2008. He also exhibited in prestigious galleries, Maegth Gallery (now Lelong Gallery) or in Daniel Templon Gallery in Paris.
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