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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Albert Féraud

Albert Féraud (1921-2008) was a french sculptor. He studied at écoles des beaux-arts de Montpellier, de Marseille and Paris in the studio of Alfred Janniot. He was the first grand prix de Rome for sculpture in 1951. Between 1950 and 1960, he made a lot
Albert Féraud (1921-2008) was a french sculptor. He studied at écoles des beaux-arts de Montpellier, de Marseille and Paris in the studio of Alfred Janniot. He was the first grand prix de Rome for sculpture in 1951. Between 1950 and 1960, he made a lot of workes in stone or bronze. Starting from 1960, Albert Féraud discovered material recovery, and his work started evolving towards an abstraction which was more and more pronounced. With his friends from "recoverers" generation, especially César and Michel Guino, he was searching materials in car dumps, or industrial dumps. He started making sculptures with soldered iron and inoxydable steel. Albert Féraud was elected a member of the Académie de beaux-arts in 1989. In his production, a lot of monumental works can be seen in different public spaces in France.
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