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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Photographs - Michel Hosszù

With Michel Hosszù, it is a small piece of the history of art of the twentieth century that is offered to us and especially that of Pop Art. Warhol and New York Pop Art from the 60s. But let's rewind the movie. Michel Hosszù arrives
With Michel Hosszù, it is a small piece of the history of art of the twentieth century that is offered to us and especially that of Pop Art. Warhol and New York Pop Art from the 60s. But let's rewind the movie. Michel Hosszù arrives in the world on October 26, 1944 in Hungary. His mother is French, He arrives in France in 1949. He studied at the Ecole Estienne (the Graduate School of Arts and Graphic Industries) and graduated in hand, he left for the United States. Michel Hosszù arrives New York in 1964, he is twenty years old. He will stay there until 1966. He studied photography and discovered Pop Art. He trailed a bit at Warhol's Factory like so many others.
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