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Items corresponding to Post War & Modern Art - Joan Mitchell - Joan Mitchell

Joan Mitchell (1925-1992) is an american artist from the "second generation" of the Abstract Expressionism movement. Her works are exhibited in the biggest museums around the world. She was born in 1925 in Chicago and raised in a wealthy family. She studied at the Art
Joan Mitchell (1925-1992) is an american artist from the "second generation" of the Abstract Expressionism movement. Her works are exhibited in the biggest museums around the world. She was born in 1925 in Chicago and raised in a wealthy family. She studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, and at the Hans Hofman school in New York. She travelled to France, Spain, and Italy. In the 1950's, she was considered as a key element of the New York school. Her work was influenced in the beginning by Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, Wassily Kandinsky, and then Franz Kline and Willem de Kooning, among others. In 1955 Joan Mitchell settled in France, to join her partner, the Canadian painter Jean-Paul Riopelle. She died in Vétheuil in 1992. Her works are often of big dimensions, distributed on two pannels. Her paintings are very expressive and moving. She used to say about them that they should « convey the feeling of the dying sunflower. »
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