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Items corresponding to Post War & Modern Art - Catalogue - Louis Icart

Louis Icart (1888-1950) is a french painter, draughtman, engravor and illustrator. Impressed by his drawing gift, his aunt makes him go to Paris: he was the owner of the Maison Valmont, a notorious modist during Belle Epoque time. Louis was very soon introduced in the
Louis Icart (1888-1950) is a french painter, draughtman, engravor and illustrator. Impressed by his drawing gift, his aunt makes him go to Paris: he was the owner of the Maison Valmont, a notorious modist during Belle Epoque time. Louis was very soon introduced in the illustration world, more specifically in the fashion illustration for press. He drew for the periodic magazine "La Critique théâtrale", and for the catalogues of Haute Couture Maisons. Trained to engraving, he presented his original works at the Salon des humoristes: his portraits of women - "parisiennes" - started seducing the public. He was compared to Paul-César Helleu and Manuel Robbe. During the First World War, he was a plane pilot, but never ceased drawing. In 1920, he exhibited at the galerie Simonson (Paris), then in 1922 in New York, at the galerie Belmaison, more than 30 art deco canvases. Following this exhibition, his prints were quite popular in the USA until 1932. His work counts more than 500 engravings. He also took part in the illustration of around 30 books, a lot of which being erotic books. During Occupation, he realised an engraved series entitled "L'Exode". His work sank into oblivion after WWII, but aroused interest again in the 1970's, when some of his first paintings were found in the attic of a school of art.
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