Trusted Art Marketplace
Post war and modern art, contemporary art, asian art, orientalist art, archaeology…

More than 20 000 original and referenced works of art, each one of them is listed by a professional and vetted seller. Purchases are usually shipped within two working days and can take up to 10 business days

Our Promises

On Plazzart we guarantee you to receive a quality work of art at an attractive price and to benefit from a responsive customer service !

Certified sellers

We work closely with vetted art market professionals.

« All our sellers are certified. They are art market professionals who offer pieces with established provenance and history ! »

Attractive prices

We guarantee you fair and coherent prices.

« Our team only selects artworks whose price is coherent with the market. »

Protected buyers.

We only offer original or referenced works for sale. Your trust is our priority ! Also, if you are not satisfied with your purchase, we commit ourselves to find the most appropriate solution with the seller.

« Our team supports you from the purchase to the delivery of your artworks. In case of difficulty, we are at your disposal to answer your questions. »

A large catalogue

Choose between more than 20.000 items online.

« With categories as diverse as Civilization or Street Art, you are sure to find the perfect piece for you or your loved ones ! »

Worldwide deliveries at fair prices

We ship thousands of objects and works of art all over the world. We work with professional carriers to guarantee you an insured and secure delivery from the seller to your home, wherever you are.

« We ship thousands of objects and works of art all over the world. Your order is carefully packed, entrusted to specialized carriers and shipped within 48 hours. »

Secure transactions

All your payments are secure, and transactions are encrypted.

« The identity of Plazzart sellers and users is strictly confidential. All transactions go through a secure interface that protects your data. »