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Items corresponding to Classical art - Louis Pastour

Louis Pastour (1876-1948) was a french post-impressionnist painter from Cannes. His favorite subjects were marines, flowers, and landscapes. In 1912, he traveled and painted in Egypt. Looking for new landscapes, he painted in Marocco in 1923, and in Italy in 1928. But Cannes has always
Louis Pastour (1876-1948) was a french post-impressionnist painter from Cannes. His favorite subjects were marines, flowers, and landscapes. In 1912, he traveled and painted in Egypt. Looking for new landscapes, he painted in Marocco in 1923, and in Italy in 1928. But Cannes has always been his main inspiration source. In 1928 he was commission to do the decoration of the funicular's station of Super-Cannes, located on the hill of the district Californie-Pezou. Pastour also produced advertisement works for railways, and several magazines. His works can be seen at musée d'Orsay in Paris, at musée des beaux-arts de Nice and at the National museum of Art of Roumania in Bucarest.
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