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Items corresponding to Post War & Modern Art - Guily Joffrin - Guily Joffrin

Guily Joffrin (1909-2006). Painter of the Nouvelle Ecole de Paris. Major at the Ecole supérieure Sophie-Germain, she entered in 1928 the école des Beaux-Arts de Paris, in the studio of Lucien Simon. She worked there several years next to Rhoner, Humblot, Jacques Despierre, Lucien Fontanarosa,
Guily Joffrin (1909-2006). Painter of the Nouvelle Ecole de Paris. Major at the Ecole supérieure Sophie-Germain, she entered in 1928 the école des Beaux-Arts de Paris, in the studio of Lucien Simon. She worked there several years next to Rhoner, Humblot, Jacques Despierre, Lucien Fontanarosa, ... In the meantime, she prepared the diploma of Fine art state professor and succeeded. She taught in Paris, Aurillac, and at the Ecole normale of the latter. From 1945, she quit teaching to dedicate herself to her painter and illustrator career.
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