pelo rojo en llamas
Grabado original
Firmado a lápiz
Numerado / 150 ejemplares
Sobre arcos vitela 50 x 65 cm
Excelente estado
Tamaño :
- Altura : 50 cm
- Anchura : 65 cm
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Chevelure rousse en feu
Gravure originale
Signée au crayon
Numérotée / 150 exemplaires
Sur vélin Arches 50 x 65 cm
Excellent état
Artículo puesto en venta por un experto del mercado del arte. Su autenticidad está garantizada.
Collection Claude Berri (France)
Fondation AUER (Switzerland)
Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (Germany)
Collection Antoine de Galbert (France)
Deutsche Bank Art Collection (Germany)
The José Manuel Rodrigues Berardo Collection (Portugal)
Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) (The USA)
The Gilbert Brownstone Foundation (France)
Les Abattoirs - FRAC Midi Pyrénées (France)
George Eastman House (The USA)
Center for Creative Photography (The USA)
Scharf-Gerstenberg Collection (Germany)
Collection André et Bona Pieyre de Mandiargues
Arts Council of England (United Kingdom)
National Galleries of Scotland (United Kingdom)
Centre Pompidou - Musée national d'art moderne (France)
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) (Spain)
The Michael Feldschuh collection
Israel Museum (Israel)
Chrysler Museum (The USA)
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) (The USA)
Colección fotográfica de Fundación Televisa (México)
Artothèque de Saint Priest (France)
Tate Collection (United Kingdom)
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (France)
The Fralin | UVa Art Museum - University of Virginia (The USA)
The Modern Museum in Sweden - Moderna Museet (Sweden)
The Art gallery University of Maryland (The USA)
Haggerty Museum at Marquette University (The USA)
Eli ans Edythe Broad Art Museum (The USA)
SIP-The Shpilman Institute For Photography (Israel)
Collection "Mony Vibescu" (France)
Triton Foundation (Netherlands)
BPS22 - Musée d'art de la province du Hainaut (Belgium)