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Items corresponding to Post War & Modern Art - Paintings - Robert Indiana

Robert Indiana (1928-) pseudonym of Robert Clark, born in 1928 in New Castle (Indiana), is an American artist associated to the Pop Art movement. He is the creator of the internationally renowned sculpture "LOVE", which was publicly exhibited for the first time in the Love
Robert Indiana (1928-) pseudonym of Robert Clark, born in 1928 in New Castle (Indiana), is an American artist associated to the Pop Art movement. He is the creator of the internationally renowned sculpture "LOVE", which was publicly exhibited for the first time in the Love Park in Philadelphia in 1970. This sculpture then "traveled" around the world, and settled in New York, Madrid, Singapore, Taipei, Montreal, Martigny, Amsterdam etc. and ifs motif has been since distributed in a large variety of forms - stamps, rugs, prints etc.
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