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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Gustav Klimt

Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) born in Baumgarten (Austria) on July 14th, 1862 and died in Vienna (Austria) on February 6th, 1918. Gustav Klimt is an austrian symbolist painter, and key figure of the Secession movement, which he founded in 1897 with Koloman Moser, Josef Hoffmann, Joseph Maria
Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) born in Baumgarten (Austria) on July 14th, 1862 and died in Vienna (Austria) on February 6th, 1918. Gustav Klimt is an austrian symbolist painter, and key figure of the Secession movement, which he founded in 1897 with Koloman Moser, Josef Hoffmann, Joseph Maria Olbrich, Max Kurzweil, Wilhelm Bernatzik and others. Then already successful, with this movement he was hoping to transform art, and to break off with conservatism. This movement spreaded the Art Nouveau spirit in the whole country, and contributed to transform art in a general sense. He made more than 200 paintings (including a lot of women's portraits) among which the public knows particularly well he "golden period", in reference to the gold leaves he was using on his canvases. His work is now exhibited all around the world.
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