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Buy paintings by Mary Morton Kemarre

Born in 1925 on MacDonald Downs in Australia, Mary Morton is an aboriginal artist. She was involved in the batik movement established at Utopia in the late 1970’s. Today, Mary is a well known Utopia artist, painting her Dreamtime stories and her country, Antarrengeny. She
Born in 1925 on MacDonald Downs in Australia, Mary Morton is an aboriginal artist. She was involved in the batik movement established at Utopia in the late 1970’s. Today, Mary is a well known Utopia artist, painting her Dreamtime stories and her country, Antarrengeny. She still lives in the Utopia region with her large extended family. Mary Morton Kemarre's works are exhibited in several collections in Australia (Flinders University Art Museum, Adelaide, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, The Holmes á Court Collection, Perth, Mbantua Gallery Permanent Collection, Alice Springs). And in the US (The Kelton Foundation, Santa Monica).
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