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Items corresponding to Post War & Modern Art - Richard Orlinski

Richard Orlinski (1966-) was born in Paris in 1966. He is a sculptor since 2004. His works are conceived after the concept "Born Wild", with contemporary materials, in a contemporary style, and are aimed at a large public, children included. Indeed, he is an advocate
Richard Orlinski (1966-) was born in Paris in 1966. He is a sculptor since 2004. His works are conceived after the concept "Born Wild", with contemporary materials, in a contemporary style, and are aimed at a large public, children included. Indeed, he is an advocate of the idea that art must be accessible to everyone. In that aim, he draws his inspiration from popular imagery, or icones, that serve his intentions. His works are exhibited worldwide (90 galleries), from the Fiac, to Courchevel ski station. Since 2011, he is in the Top 10 list of french artists who are the most sold in the world (according to Artprice). One of his works has been sold at auctions for 680 000 €.
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