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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Marion Sagon

Born in France in 1983, Marion Sagon works between France, the Netherlands and England. She graduated from the École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Montpellier Agglomération in 2011. With her large-scale digital drawings Marion Sagon invites us to a journey or rather a round trip between the
Born in France in 1983, Marion Sagon works between France, the Netherlands and England. She graduated from the École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Montpellier Agglomération in 2011. With her large-scale digital drawings Marion Sagon invites us to a journey or rather a round trip between the virtual worlds she constructs and our position in reality. Her digital landscapes, then pictorialized in a desire to reproduce the act of the machine, mix architectures that she photographs during urban walks and landscape images collected on the Internet. The works create windows in the gallery space that open onto these new worlds where nature and human construction intermingle in perfect balance. Through her work, she reveals our world - a combination of the built and the natural - as an assembly of interchangeable forms, gradually becoming uniform. Her digital environments question our visual habits while proposing familiar universes, those of the outskirts of cities, banal architecture or surrounding landscapes, in a whole that invites contemplation and by extension questions: how has man, by appropriating nature, "geo-mastered" his environment?
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