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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Jean Degottex - Jean Degottex

Jean Degottex (born in Sathonay-Camp 25th February 1918, died in Paris 9th December 1988) is a French abstract painter. An autodidact, he undertook military service in Tunisia and in Algeria before returning to France to devote himself to painting. His first paintings in the 40s
Jean Degottex (born in Sathonay-Camp 25th February 1918, died in Paris 9th December 1988) is a French abstract painter. An autodidact, he undertook military service in Tunisia and in Algeria before returning to France to devote himself to painting. His first paintings in the 40s are inspired from Fauvism before turning towards abstraction in the 50s, privileging the interpretation of nature. He meets Simon Hantaï and George Mathieu at the galerie Kléber, then joins the Galerie internationale d'art contemporain where he meets Pierre Henry and Yves Klein. Throughout the 70s his work on paper in terms of crevices, folds and printing intensifies. He also explored the process of writing through creations in Indian ink on paper. It receives the third national Gand Prix of painting in 1981. His works are exhibited in numerous French and foreign museums such as the Musée national d'art moderne, the Fondation Gandur for art in Switzerland and the Centre for engraving and printed image in Belgium. They also feature within the collections of numerous FRAC (North Normandy, Brittany and Languedoc-Roussillon).
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