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Items corresponding to African, American & Oceanic Art - Expertized by Bénédicte Hamard

Bénedicte Hamard is an expert in Pre Columbian Art, and XIXth c. and XXth c. paintings. She studied at Ecole du Louvre, and then worked with experts, galleries and auction house specialized in paintings from the XIXth and XXth centuries. From 2005, she worked with
Bénedicte Hamard is an expert in Pre Columbian Art, and XIXth c. and XXth c. paintings. She studied at Ecole du Louvre, and then worked with experts, galleries and auction house specialized in paintings from the XIXth and XXth centuries. From 2005, she worked with Santo Micali from the Mermoz Gallery. She is now specialized in that field, and is now doing appraisals and inventories for auctioneers, but also collectors advising.
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