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Items corresponding to Classical art - Emile-Louis Picault

(1833-1915) was a french sculptor, who was living in Paris. He was a student of the painter Henri Royer. He is the author of the Monument of Lakanal in Foix. He was very prolific, and his works are mainly of allegoric or patriotic subjects, represent warriors
(1833-1915) was a french sculptor, who was living in Paris. He was a student of the painter Henri Royer. He is the author of the Monument of Lakanal in Foix. He was very prolific, and his works are mainly of allegoric or patriotic subjects, represent warriors and mythological heroes, and come often with sentences in latin or french. He became very successful among private collectors with his bronze editions. Some of his famous works: Le Supplice de Tantale (1867), Persée délivrant Andromède (1880), Le Génie du progrès et Nicolas Flamel (1885), Le Cid (1886), La Naissance de Pégase (1888), Le Génie des sciences (1894), Le Génie des arts (1895) Le Livre (1896), Le Drapeau "ad unum" (1898), Vox progressi (1903), Belléphoron (1906), Jason (1879), Andromède (1892), Prométhée dérobant le feu du ciel Émile Émile-Louis Picault (1894), La Vaillance (1896), Vertus civiques (1897), Le Minerai (1902), La Forge (1905), Science et Industrie (1909), Propter gloriam (1914)... Works from Picault are conserved in the following collections: Musée des beaux-arts de Chambéry, Musée Bargoin, Clermont-Ferrand, Musée de Maubeuge, Musée des beaux-arts de Troyes.
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