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Items corresponding to Post War & Modern Art - Edouard Drouot

Edouard Drouot (1859-1945) is a french sculptor in Sommevoire in 1859 and died in 1945. Early in his artist carreer, Drouot was successful. He received a honorable mention at the Paris Universal exhibition in 1900. He studied in Paris and had among his teachers Emile Thomas
Edouard Drouot (1859-1945) is a french sculptor in Sommevoire in 1859 and died in 1945. Early in his artist carreer, Drouot was successful. He received a honorable mention at the Paris Universal exhibition in 1900. He studied in Paris and had among his teachers Emile Thomas (1817-1882) and the bronze master Mathurin Moreau (1822-1912). Drouot was well known and collected during his life. He made several bust portraits, figurative works and allegoric and mythologic sculptures. A the end of the XIXth century he was exhibiting at Le Salon. He worked mainly with bronze, and made a lot of animal sculptures, but also orientalist sculptures. However, it is thanks to his allegoric works that he managed to reach success and an international reputation.
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