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Maurice de VLAMINCK Vase of flowers Circa 1955 - Interpretation print, signed and justified in pencil

Maurice de VLAMINCK
Flower vase Circa 1955

Interpretive print from EDITIONS SPITZER
Proof signed in pencil on ARCHES paper
Publisher's dry stamp. Ed. Spitzer, Paris and stamp on the back indicating the justification and the edition of 400 proofs.
Dimensions of the illustration: 34.5 x 43 centimeters
Dimensions of the board: 50.5 x 64.8 centimeters
Good R/V condition
Very fresh colors
Margins not trimmed.

Spitzer catalogs. p 64 & -_

Dimensions :
- Height : 64 cm
- Width : 50 cm
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This item is sold by a professional art dealer who guaranties its authenticity. This item is used (second-hand)

Maurice de Vlaminck : Born in Paris in 1876, Maurice de Vlaminck is a french painter. He truly began painting in 1899, with Derain, who shared a workshop with him until 1901. In 1904, at Berthe Weill, one of his paintings was put on public display for the first time. In 1905, the artist participated to the Salon d'automne and Salon des indépendants. He was in the "cage aux fauves" with other artists like Derain, Matisse or Braque. He only began to live of his painting in 1906 (Vollard bought his entire workshop). His first solo exhibition was at the Vollard gallery in 1907. He also wrote about twenty novels, poems and essays (D'un lit à l'autre (1902), Portraits avant décès (1943)...). Between 1904 and 1907 Vlaminck joined Fauvism. His admiration for Cézanne led him to join Cubism a short time (1910). But Vlaminck came back to a style most closely conforming to his temperament, that he would remain faithful to until his death : very mixed dark colors. The intensive use of vermilion, black and white gave a dramatic and violent aspect to his paintings. Roads and wheat fields are his favorite themes. He also realized watercolors, woods and lithographs. The artist died in Rueil-la-Gadelière (France) in 1958.

For sale
Price : 1100 € Incl. VAT Premium and Taxes included
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