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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Nicolaas Warb

Nicolaas Warb (pseudonym for Sophia Warburg) born in Amsterdam (1906) . Studied at the 'Rijksacademie van beeldende kunsten' in Amsterdam. In 1929 , Warb settled in Paris and attended various academies in Montparnasse (including La Grande Chaumière). On the intercession of Kees van Dongen, Warb was
Nicolaas Warb (pseudonym for Sophia Warburg) born in Amsterdam (1906) . Studied at the 'Rijksacademie van beeldende kunsten' in Amsterdam. In 1929 , Warb settled in Paris and attended various academies in Montparnasse (including La Grande Chaumière). On the intercession of Kees van Dongen, Warb was invited to work as a stylist at a number of Parisian fashion houses in order to support herself. Nicolaas Warb occupied herself in her leisure time with music (jazz). In 1939 she had contacts with Georges Vantongerloo. Through him Warb arrived at a constructivist way of working to which she added her own freely-devised elements. From 1946 on, Nicolaas Warb exhibited in the 'Salon des Réalités Nouvelles' in Paris with strong, exciting geometric abstract works. Also various exhibitions in several countries. Nicolas Warb died in Hilversum in 1957. Nicolaas Warb's work can be viewed at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and in several museums in France (Rennes, Cholet, Nantes).
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