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Pierre SOULAGES (after): "Picasso Museum" invitation card - 2016

Pierre SOULAGES (after)
Invitation card for the opening of the exhibition "Pierre Soulages Papiers" at Picasso Museum in Antibes

Offset two spot colours
Based on a 2005 ink from the collection of the Soulages Museum in Rodez
On cardboard 21 x 15 cm

Excellent condition

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Invitation card for the opening of "Soulages, the printed work" at the Fenaille Museum (Rodez) in 2011. The silkscreen reproduced on the invitation card appears in the catalogue raisonné of the artist, ref. BNF 95

Dimensions :
- Height : 21 cm
- Width : 15 cm
This item is sold by a professional art dealer who guaranties its authenticity. This item is used (second-hand)

Screen print : Screen printing, also known as silkscreen, serigraphy, and serigraph printing - from latin "Sericum (silk) and greek "grapheion" (writing) - is a printing technique that uses a woven mesh to support an ink-blocking stencil to receive a desired image. The attached stencil forms open areas of mesh that transfer ink or other printable materials which can be pressed through the mesh as a sharp-edged image into a substrate. It is possible to use different meshes, for different colors, and create multi-colored works. In the field of art, it is important to know how many prints have been made. The total number of prints is usually written on the print (e.g 20/200).
Pierre Soulages : Born in 1919 in Rodez (Aveyron, France), Pierre Soulages is a french painter and engraver associated since the end of the 1940's to abstract art. He is particuliarly known for his use of reflects in the «black» color, which he called "noir-lumière" or "outrenoir". He realized about1 550 paintings all called «Peinture» followed by their size, he is one of the major representatives of informal painting. Since 1975 the painter received many prizes (Great Prize of painting of Paris, Rembrandt Prize, Great national painting prize, Praemium Imperiale «Painting» category ...). The Soulages museum in Rodez, launched in 2014, keeps the artist's greatest collection in the world.

Musée d'Evreux (France)
Hara Museum of Contemporary Art (Japan)
Abbatiale de Conques (France)
Walker Art Center (The USA)
François Pinault Foundation (Italy)
Musée Fabre (France)
MacVal (France)
Collection Société Générale (France)
FRAC Auvergne (France)
Das Museum Folkwang (Germany)
FRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (France)
The Bridgestone Museum of art Ishibashi Foundation (Japan)
Museo Tamayo (México)
Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum (The USA)
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Portugal)
Deutsche Bank Art Collection (Germany)
Museum Abteiberg (Germany)
Musée des Beaux Arts de Nantes (France)
Musée d'art Moderne et contemporain de Nice (MAMAC) (France)
The José Manuel Rodrigues Berardo Collection (Portugal)
Les Abattoirs - FRAC Midi Pyrénées (France)
Fondation Marguerite et Aimé Maeght (France)
LAM (Musée d'art moderne Lille Métropole) (France)
Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) (The USA)
Nykytaiteen museo Kiasma (Finland)
FRAC Languedoc-Roussillon (France)
FRAC Bretagne (France)
Carnegie Museum of art (The USA)
Essl Museum (Austria)
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (France)
Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e contemporanea (GAM) (Italy)
Artothèque du Limousin + FACLIM (France)
National Gallery of Art, Washington (The USA)
National Galleries of Scotland (United Kingdom)
Kunstmuseum Lichtenstein (Liechtenstein)
Institut culturel Bernard Magrez (France)
Centre Pompidou - Musée national d'art moderne (France)
Randers Kunstmuseum (Denmark)
Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje (FYROM)
Artothèque de Brest (France)
Henie Onstad Museum (Norway)
Artothèque de Caen (France)
Collection Thomas Neirynck (Belgium)
UMMA University of Michigan Museum of Art (The USA)
Sara Hildén Art Museum (Finland)
Artothèque, Angers (France)
Centre national des arts plastiques (France)
Musée d'art moderne de Saint-Etienne Métropole (France)
Musée des Beaux arts de Lyon (France)
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of Art, New York (The USA)
Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College (The USA)
Tate Collection (United Kingdom)
Musée des Beaux arts de Caen (France)
Musée des Beaux Arts, Montréal (Canada)
Ohara Museum of Art (Japan)
mglc (Slovenia)
Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil (México)
Collection Michel Fedoroff (Monaco)
Musée Soulages (France)
Fondation Gandur pour l'art (Switzerland)
Biedermann Museum (Germany)
Collection Laurent Dumas (Emerige) (France)
Musée des beaux arts de Rennes (France)
For sale
Price : 165 € Incl. VAT Premium and Taxes included
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