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Théophile Alexandre STEINLEN - A Man, lithograph

Théophile Alexandre Steinlen
A Man, 1915

Hand signed and numbered on paper
Print run: 100 copies
Dimensions of the work: 28,5 cm x 37 cm
Dimensions of the image: 28 cm x 33,5 cm
Rare work

Good condition

Dimensions :
- Height : 28.5 cm
- Width : 37 cm

Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen : Born in 1859 in Lausanne, Steinlen is one of the greatest poster designers and illustrators of the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century. Settled in Paris in 1881, he enters The "Chat noir" cabaret the next year where he met Toulouse-Lautrec, Aristide Bruant, Vallotton, Alphonse Allais... He collaborates with the papers "Le Chat Noir" and "Le Mirliton", illustrates Paul Delmet and Richepin's songs and Aristide Bruant's collection "In the street" (Dans la rue). In 1885, he creates his first poster and his first exhibition in 1894. Close to anarchist and communist circles, many of his works denounciate social poverty of the time, then wartime. The artist died in Paris in 1923.

Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) (The USA)
Nykytaiteen museo Kiasma (Finland)
The Indianapolis Museum of Art (The USA)
Carnegie Museum of art (The USA)
Musée d'Art moderne et contemporain de Strasbourg (France)
Roubaix La Piscine (France)
Musée cantonal des Beaux arts, Lausanne (Switzerland)
Cantor Art Center - The Stanford University Museum of Art, Stanford (The USA)
The Grand Rapids Art Museum (The USA)
Le musée d'Orsay (France)
Musée Toulouse-Lautrec (France)
Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales (Uruguay)
Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe (Germany)
Wichita Art Museum (The USA)
Tate Collection (United Kingdom)
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart (Germany)
The Spencer and Marlène Hays Collection (The USA)
Utah Museum of Fine Art (The USA)
National Gallery of Australia (NGA) (Australia)
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Saint Denis (France)
Die Hermann und Margrit Rupf-Stiftung (Switzerland)
Bündner Kunstmuseum (Switzerland)
Musée d'art et d'histoire Marcel Dessal - Dreux (France)
Musée de Pully (Switzerland)
Collection Gelonch Viladegut

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