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Marcel MOULY : The lovers of the port - Hand signed lithograph

Marcel MOULY
The lovers of the port, 1966

Original lithograph
Signed in pencil
On Rives vellum 37 x 28 cm

Excellent condition

Dimensions :
- Height : 37 cm
- Width : 28 cm
This item is sold by a professional art dealer who guaranties its authenticity. This item is used (second-hand)

Marcel Mouly : (1918-2008) is a French colorist painter who has been part of the current of the synthesis between the formal and the informal, composing still lifes, interior scenes, landscapes and seascapes with a very colorful palette of colors. 1945, 1946 and 1947 marked the launch of his career; he exhibited at the Salon d'automne, the Salon de Mai, with Matisse, Picasso, Fernand Léger, Édouard Pignon, Maurice Estève, Manessier, Jean Bazaine, Singer, Le Moal, Burtin. Then he moved to La Ruche in 1946, where all the greatest artists have stayed. He then met Picasso and Brancusi. A hard worker, he is from morning to evening in front of his easel, interspersed with trips, during which he draws or sketches, which will feed his inspiration throughout his life. In 1950, he began a long series of solo exhibitions in France and around the world, culminating in the 2007 exhibition on rue Saint-Honoré in Paris. An international artist, Marcel Mouly's works are exhibited at the Centre Pompidou - Musée national d'art moderne (France), the Utah Museum of Fine Art USA), the Queensland art Gallery (Australia), or the Nykytaiteen museo Kiasma (Finland).

For sale
Price : 250 € Incl. VAT Premium and Taxes included
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