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Items corresponding to Contemporary Art - Henri Cartier-Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson is a French photographer, photojournalist and draftsman. He is known for the precision of his prints. Since 1932, he has been using a Leica for his photos, which allows him to take pictures in any place. Henri Cartier-Bresson contributed to making this camera
Henri Cartier-Bresson is a French photographer, photojournalist and draftsman. He is known for the precision of his prints. Since 1932, he has been using a Leica for his photos, which allows him to take pictures in any place. Henri Cartier-Bresson contributed to making this camera a mythical attribute of the photographer. He is best known for his street and everyday photographs. The notion of "decisive moment" is a key concept in his work. It is the moment that precedes the event. In 1947, the photographer founded the Magnum agency with Robert Capa and David Seymour, William Vandivert and George Rodger.
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