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Items corresponding to Asian Art - Expertized by Pierre Ansas

Pierre Ansas is specialized in asias arts since 1975, when he met Jean Claude Moreau-Gobard, a renowned expert in that field. He travelled to Hong Kong and China, and studied South-East Asia Art (sculptures and buddhic paintings) at the Bangkok university of Silpakorn. Between 1982
Pierre Ansas is specialized in asias arts since 1975, when he met Jean Claude Moreau-Gobard, a renowned expert in that field. He travelled to Hong Kong and China, and studied South-East Asia Art (sculptures and buddhic paintings) at the Bangkok university of Silpakorn. Between 1982 and 1987, he worked on the antiques market, in contact with great collectors and art dealers from Hong Kong, Canton and Shangai. In 1987, he became a collaborator of Jean Claude Moreau-Gobard in the frame of public sales in Paris, and in France. Starting 2005, he created and developped the expertise cabinet "Pierre Ansas", in association with Anne Papillon d'Alton. Their area of expertise include porcelains, bronzes, enamels, sculptures, paintings, jade and other hard stones, etc. from China, Tibet, Japan, Korea, Nepal, India and all the asian Sout-East (Cambodge, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia). Since 2012, Pierre ANSAS has developped a team of correspondants and experts in Pékin, which takes care of contacting great collectors and chinese art dealers. Pierre ANSAS is a member of the Syndicat Français des Experts Professionnels en Œuvres d’Art et Objets de Collection.
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