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Items corresponding to African, American & Oceanic Art - Expertized by Jean Roudillon

Jean Roudillon had been an expert for more than 50 years. He is a member of the french syndicate of professional experts of work of arts and collection objects since 1953. His expertise skills include Archaeology, and African, Oceanian and Pre colombian Arts. He is
Jean Roudillon had been an expert for more than 50 years. He is a member of the french syndicate of professional experts of work of arts and collection objects since 1953. His expertise skills include Archaeology, and African, Oceanian and Pre colombian Arts. He is experts accredited to the Land office (State estate) and assessor to the Commission de Conciliation d'Expertise Douanière (Customs Arbitration and Advisory Committee). He participates every year to 40 public sales.
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