Etching :
Process realized on a metal plate using a chemical (acid) process. The artist using etching is called an aquafortist.
Georges Oudot :
(1928-2004) is a french sculptor, engraver, and painter. He is considered as one of the most significant representative of the contemporary figurative sculpture. He also made numerous engravings and lithographs, as well as some medals. He has also made several portraits such as Pierre Mendès France, Edgar Faure (he created his academician sword), Juliette Greco, Madame Pompidou, Léon Bourgeois and the Princess Grace de Monaco.
His works are present in more than 20 museums around the world: musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris, Marseille, Strasbourg, Besançon, Belfort, Lausanne, Vatican, Erlangen, Fribourg, Monaco, Skopje, Teheran…