(1922-2010) (Cornelis van Beverloo) aka « Corneille » is a belgian painter, engravor, ceramist and sculptor of dutch origin. He is one of the cofounders (in 1948) of the experimental movement Reflex with Karel Appel, Eugène Brands, Constant Nieuwenhuis, Anton Rooskens and Theo Wolvecamp, and
(1922-2010) (Cornelis van Beverloo) aka « Corneille » is a belgian painter, engravor, ceramist and sculptor of dutch origin. He is one of the cofounders (in 1948) of the experimental movement Reflex with Karel Appel, Eugène Brands, Constant Nieuwenhuis, Anton Rooskens and Theo Wolvecamp, and one of the initiator of CoBrA with Karel Appel, Constant Nieuwenhuis, Asger Jorn and Dotremont.
He evolved to abstraction (abstract landscape) after the dissolution of CoBrA in 1951, and came back to figuration in the beginning of the 1960's.
His first ceramics date from 1954 and his first polychrome wood sculptures from 1992.
In 1999, he discovered aquagravure, and worked with the Éditions l'Estampe and their studios.
In 2001, the editor L'Estampe dedicated to him a big retrospective exhibition « Corneille, 50 ans d'estampes » (Corneille, 50 years of engraving).
The works of Corneille can be seen in Museums around the whole world:
In USA (MOMA, Walker Art Center, Carnegie Museum of art), Hungary (Museum of fine arts, Budapest), Germany (Deutsche Bank Art Collection, Das Museum Folkwang),
Portugal (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian), France (Centre national des arts plastiques, Centre Pompidou), Australia (Queensland art Gallery), Finland (Nykytaite en museo Kiasma), Belgique (SMAK), Danemark (Horsens Kunstmuseum, Randers Kunstmuseum), Norvège (Henie Onstad Museum),
Italy (Peggy Guggenheim Collection), UK (Tate Collection), Mexico (Museo José Luis Cuevas),
Slovenia (mglc), Switzzerland (Fondation Gandur pour l'art Suisse), Netherlands (CoBrA Museum, Dordrechts Museum)
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